Our Baby Unit can accommodate babies up to 1 year old. All babies have their own labelled cot, milk steriliser and pram and are assigned a key worker who will discuss your child’s day with you at the end of each session.

We try to follow any routines you have established at home and will complete a weekly diary for your child, which tells you what your baby has done during the week, their achievements and their next steps. We welcome your comments and suggestions in the diary.

Younger children are given plenty of stimulating activities and choice in order to get them used to the nursery environment, particularly during the settling-in period. We place great importance on providing sensitive care with a variety of experiences to promote your baby’s emotional development and understanding of their environment.

Interaction through speech and play is also important to create special attachments with adults and carers and to nurture a sense of security and well-being.

We like to take part in a variety of activities throughout the day, including walks in the fresh air and play time in specially designated areas of our gardens. Indoor activities take place in our large, well-equipped playrooms and include creative and craft play such as painting, sticking, cooking, music and singing.

We also introduce children to colours, shapes and counting in accordance with the National Foundation Stage Curriculum and, as children get older, they are encouraged to feed themselves and clean their teeth. All activities are structured around your baby’s individual needs and abilities in order to support their growth and development into healthy and happy children.