At The Trees, the Health and Illness Policy has been devised to minimise the risk of a child contracting an infectious illness, whilst attending one of our nurseries. Therefore we do rely on parents/guardians to be responsible in alerting us if their child is unwell in order for us to take the appropriate action.

What if my child is unwell

The nursery will not undertake the care of sick children. If a child becomes ill during the session, the nursery will make every effort to contact the parents who will be requested to collect their child as soon as possible. In most cases when a child is sent home we feel it would be beneficial for the child to see a doctor. Please notify the nursery if you are aware that your child has had an illness which has been confirmed by a doctor. The following exclusion times are required for infectious diseases: –

Chicken Pox – Children will be excluded from the nursery on suspicion of chicken pox. If confirmed the child may not return until all of the spots have scabbed over.

Impetigo – Children will be excluded on suspicion of this infection. If confirmed the child may not return until the symptoms have completely cleared up.

Diarrhoea/Vomiting – Children will be excluded if showing either of these symptoms and may not return for a period of 48 hours after the symptoms have ceased.

Coughs and colds – Please do not bring your child to the nursery if he/she is feeling unwell.

Rubella (German Measles) – Children will be excluded on suspicion of German Measles. If confirmed, children will not be able to return for one week from the onset of the rash.

Measles – Children will be excluded on suspicion and if confirmed will not be allowed to return for one week from the onset of the rash.

Mumps – Children will be excluded on suspicion and if confirmed will not be allowed to return for a minimum period of 7 days and the swelling has gone.

Whooping Cough – Children will be excluded on suspicion and will not be able to return, if confirmed, for a period of 7 days after the start of antibiotics.

Scabies – Children will be excluded for 48 hours after treatment has been received.

Head lice and nits – Children will not be excluded but all parents will be informed if any cases are found in the nursery so that parents can check their child’s hair. Regular wet combing methods are recommended to prevent outbreaks.

Hand, Foot & Mouth – Children will not be excluded but parents will be advised of any cases within the nursery.

Parents will be requested to bring conformation in writing from their G.P. if a child shows any of above symptoms due to other reasons e.g. dietary conditions, blocked tear ducts or due to medication being administered.

For your information, we will display notices of infectious illness prominently, normally on the front door or near the front door. Please inform us if your child is unwell and unable to attend the nursery.


Staff may administer prescribed medicines to children. These must have the child’s name and dosage on the label. On arrival at the nursery, parents should inform the staff of requirements, a medicine form will be completed and parents will be required to sign to give consent. For non- prescribed medicines, please speak to a senior staff for information. Generally, only suspension fluids will be administered for the relief of teething problems or for reduction of a fever. Where possible, medication should always be given to the child by the parent at home and parents must advise the nursery of anything given.


Please inform us when your child has had a recent vaccination as, although they may suffer no immediate after effects, they may do so at a later stage we will also update your child’s information

Bullying – The nursery operates an anti-bullying policy.