At The Trees your child’s welfare and safety is our primary concern, all our staff are well versed in our polices and procedures. As a parent we request you familiarise yourself with these policies and procedures in order to ensure our procedures are adhered too.
General Information
It is extremely important that you keep the nursery informed of all changes of details so that we may update your “information schedule” regularly, failure to do so may result in difficulty to contact you in an emergency situation. Changes of address, work address, telephone numbers, health issues and contact details should be reported to a senior staff member as soon as they occur.
Signing in/out procedure
All children are signed in and out by room staff and management on arrival and departure. We ask all parents to ensure they notify staff when they are on site or are leaving to ensure there is no cause for confusion in an emergency evacuation. At the end of your child’s session staff will provide written/oral feedback. Please ensure that anyone collecting or dropping off your child is aware of this procedure.
Front Door
Security in the nursery is a priority and requires all parents to co-operate. If you think that staff have not heard the doorbell, please alert them, do not open the front door. Please ensure that anyone collecting your child for you is aware of this procedure. Please ask a staff member to bolt the door when you leave.
Spare Clothes
Please provide spare clothes for your child, these should be clearly labelled and placed in a named bag to avoid loss.
Parents are requested to provide Wellington boots in the winter and sun hats and creams in the summer. This should be no lower than factor 15 and should be waterproof, please ensure it is named as well.
Baby Milks
The nursery will provide some baby milks, a list of which can be found on the board in the baby room or speak to a member of staff for advice. Any brands other than those listed will have to be provided by the parent.
Collection arrangements for Children
It is vital that we have up to date information on who is responsible for collecting your child from the nursery. If you are unable to collect your child from the nursery and have to arrange for somebody else to do so, please inform us in advance and provide the nursery with enough information to recognise the person e.g. description or car reg. or use a password. Regular family members or nannies must be named on the information schedule.
Complaints Procedure
In the event of a complaint please speak to the nursery manager. If not satisfied, a Director of White Horse Child Care Limited. will be pleased to speak to you or to respond to a letter, please telephone 01793 488 988 or write to Stanley House, 65 Victoria Road, Swindon SN1 3BB.